Sunday, July 20, 2008


I really don't like change. I don't know why. I really don't, but I know that there is a great deal of change in my life right now. For example; I am changing jobs this school year. Instead of teaching in Moore, I will be teaching in Shawnee. That is actually a very large change, since it has some salary and extra duty issues attached to it.

Not only is my school year job changing, but my summer job will be changing too. For a long time, 10 years in fact, I have been able to run my little part of my summer camp with almost no outside interference. Well, that is going to change. You see, I turned down the opportunity to move up in my responsibilities at this camp, which means that someone else has taken that position. I turned down the offer primarily because I did not want to change the location of my abode. Davis, Oklahoma is great during the summer and all when there is so much to do that I can barely see straight, but it is a bit boring from September to May, at least to me. So, anyway, my decision to decrease change in one area of my life, home, has resulted in a great deal of potential change in another area of my life, work.

Now, of course I know that change can be good, and it can also be bad. In this case I think that the changes, whatever they may be, will be good for the camp. In spite of knowing this I still don't like change. I prefer status quo. I like stasis. I like waking up the same way every morning. I don't want to change.

Well, I was talking about this change with an important leader at my camp. I said that it looks like a lot of change is coming. I told him that I am not making any value judgements, but that change in and of itself makes me uncomfortable. Right in the middle of this discussion, a student camper walked up to us and spoke to my friend. She told him, "Hey, guess what! I was saved tonight." My friend and I looked at each other, smiled and said, if that continues to happen the changes will be worth it.

Here is what I don't get. Why is it that even if I know a change will help me, or it will help someone else, or it will help the world, why is that it still makes me feel so uncomfortable? I know it does not make any sense. That is why I want to change.

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